zondag 25 november 2012


It's all a matter of inter-connectedness. I don't mean global or on the level of the EU, the British Empire or the USA. These are concepts and used to manipulate and control you. I don't mean democracy or collectivism. These “slogans” are used to make you act in a predictable way. Government literally means “governe mente”, to “rule” over the way you think, feel and act. I don't mean inter-connectedness with nature. We have definitively decided to cut all the roots with the reality around us. We are polluting the earth, the sky, the rivers and oceans; with devastating effect on the eco-system. Experimental introduction of the nile-perch into Lake Victoria resulted in the destruction of a complete eco-system or introducing, for fun, foxes on Tasmania. No, I don't mean those kind of connections. Why, because they hardly exist anymore. The areas, where you can connect with nature are shrinking and destroyed. Deforestation, growing desserts, urbanization, infrastructure, digging for gold, diamonds, minerals, oil or salt; all these, economically “necessary” activities eat away our natural world and replace it by plastic. The plastic, we so conveniently dispose of, is killing birds, fish and sea-mammals, because they mistake it for food. In the end they literally burst open and expose the waste we produce. Even where I live, the numbers of sea-birds is dwindling and the seals, because they are the end of a local food-chain, will be affected soon. Do we connect with our pats? I don't think so. Pats are bought easily and disposed of easily. Turtles and exotic fish are flushed through the toilet. Some survive, which leads to articles in local newspapers about turtles in a pond and piranha's in the river.
Even Australian wallabies have found a place in our local eco-system.
Do They connect? I don't think so. It's like the story of the lonely guardian of a lighthouse on a small island of the coast of New-Zealand, who introduced a cat to the island. In a year all the birds, species unique to the island, had disappeared, never to return.
Remains the question? Do we connect with our family? The task of educating, protecting and caring for a future education has gone. Forced by economy, implanted ambitions and manipulated consumerism, most grown-ups have to work and on all hours of the day. The harmony, warmth and care, synonymous with growing up, can only be bought. Children who experience a divorce, will have to deal with absent, work and money motivated parents and complex emotional and identication problems, when mother starts dating.
Ockay, except from all this “Entfremdung”, prophesied by Jesus, Karl Marx and Herbert Marcuse, do we connect with our selves. Let me ask you: “Are we happy?”

zaterdag 24 november 2012


It was Kain, so the Bible sais, who commited the first act of violence. He killed his brother Abel, because of envy; God accepted his offerings and refused Kain's. This evil deed split up the universe into dualities. The holistic universe retreated and man stood in front of his worst enemy, himself, as an alter-ego and double. Kain's curse is still being exercised. Man fighting and killing man. Indian babys are born with their hands wide open, Caucasian new-borns enter the new world, with hands like fists. Once you fulfill an act of deliberate violence, you are doomed. Not only will one fight lead to another, it will also haunt you in lives to come. We cannot understand violence, when we don't accept and incorporate the concept of reincarnation.

The French philosopher Levinas explored the concept of “violence” and its effects on nature and mankind. Violence is much, much more, that“just” war, looting, deliberate destruction, crime, etnic cleansing and assasinations. Violence is also the “commerce and merchandising-department of violence”. All the computergames, video's, movies and toys are materialization of violence, and promoted as a toy for kids starting from 2 years on. Violence is all the noise we produce, the pollution of the atmosphere, mega-festivals, car and motorraces and mass-experiences. Violence against animals and against nature. But most of all, the violence against each-other and expecially your loved-ones. In this 1 to 1-interaction violence can mean gossiping, nagging, ignoring, discriminating or treating without respect. This is the real battleground and it generates all kinds of effects.

So violence is proclaimes as being natural. It is not, humans are the only species, that kills each-other on purpose, but Natural Geographic and Animal Planet are programming our kids, that nature means “eat or being eating” and that predators rule. Violence is presented as a “meaning to an end”. War is many-times the first option and History Channel will underline that our cultural development, is synonymous to survival of the fittest, while nations and empiresfighting heroic and ultimate battles. There is no war, to end all wars. When a war ends, you plan for the next one. This snake in our Paradise, is the military-industrial complex and the governing Elite.

vrijdag 23 november 2012


A large part of the Bible is prophesy and the mentioned prophesies get fulfilled. Jesus' birthplace and his virgin birth f.i., were prophesied in the Old Testament, to get fulfilled during the stay on our earth of the Messiah (to the Christians).Jesus himself prophesied the fall and destruction of the Temple at Jerusalem. His words came true in 70 AD., when the Roman legions stormed Jerusalem and burned and looted the “Holy of Holiest” and the Roman rulers renamed the Holy Land into “Palestine”. Many of the prophesies (up to 87%, some believe) have been fulfilled, according to many Bible scolars. What remains are mostly prophesies about the “End of Times”. These are long term/step by step prophesies. We find them in Jeremiah, Jesaja, Daniel and in the book of “Revelation”, the 66th and last book of our common Bible.

These prophesies are converging. Why, because we live in the period of the Apocalypse, the time before the 2nd coming of Christ, zo many Christians believe. The words of Jesus, when he describes the period before his return as a “time of wars and rumors of war”. As a concept, this perfectly fits. There is a war going on in Afghanistan, Congo and Syria. These wars have world-wide effects and lead to tensions, between Israel and Iran, Turkey and Syria, Israel and Gaza and to a high alert of the Western countries and the United States. The Arab world is in total disorder and China and Japan have territorial issues, that could easily explode. So have North and South Korea, India and China/Pakistan.

I always been a skeptic of (all kinds of) prophesy. When Jesus knew the old texts (and he did), he (or his entourage) could have organized that the prophesies were fulfilled. But prophesies about the end times, must be visible in our present global situation.

And they are!

The final stage of the battled between good and evil, is named in “Revelation”. The name of the battleground is called “Armageddon”, meaning “Megiddo”, and old fortress north of Jerusalem. Napoleon visited the site and called it “the best battlegrounds he knew. In the Bible millions of soldiers will meet here, under the leadership of the “Antichrist”. Blood will flow like a river, before Jesus returns from Heaven and decides the battle and binds evil, for at least 1000 years.

Building up armies takes a lot of time, money, preparation and planning. Rumors say that “Kaiser Wilhelm II” of Germany, wanted to stop his troops, only to here from his Chief of Staff, that it was impossible. “The trains are already on the move.” World War I was on its way.

This is possibly happening in this area right now. Armies from all over the world, including our own, are gathering and a solution, to the whole conflict in this region, seems far away. Bible prophesy in the making? The same stands for the prophet Jesaja. He wrote down, that Egyptians will fight Egyptians and that the city of Damascus, the capital of Syria will be destroyed. “There will be no city left.” Jesaja's prophesy about Egypt seemed fulfilled and the future of Damascus is constantly threatented by a raging civil war in Syria. Destruction of Damascus is a real possibility, escalation of this local conflict can easily lead to yet another fulfilment of yet another Bible prophesy.

woensdag 21 november 2012


Humanity and our solar system (including Earth) experience growing consciousness and changes in perception of reality. The Maya civilization in Central-America is the most advanced about the science of “Time”. 22 calendars in total described the cycles and interactions of the Maya with their life on earth, the solar system and the universe. Some of these calendars are still hidden.

According to the Maya calendar the “Fifth world” ended in 1987. The sixth world will start in december 2012. At this moment, we are in the end-fase of an intermediate state. This period is called the “Apocalypse”, which means the unveiling of something hidden. There is nothing negative about, more something of anticipation. The time given to us, was necessary to prepare us for our voyage from a three dimensional reality, through fourth density, into the fifth dimension. DNA is being mutated, our solar system will synchronize with the centre of our galaxy and “time will speed up”. This is the result of the “Schumann Resonance”, the heart-beat of our planet, has risen from 7.8 cycles to 12 cycles per second in 2012. This means that a day last 16, not 24 hours!

In 2012 a cycle of 26.000 years comes to an end. Earth and mankind have passed all 12 signs of the Zodiac and will be in direct allignment with the centre of our Milky Way. During the period of 1987 and 2012, many things will happen on a global, local and personal scale. This all part of a necessary proces, eliminating shadows of the past, like war, greed, exploitation, crimes against nature and animals division, (physical)torture and deception and the disgusting gap between the poor and the rich.

Everyday we make descisions. You can distinguish them as decisions out of Love and decisions made out of Fear. These “thought-attitudes/mindframes” have a completely different effect on your daily life and possible future. A “Fear-attitute” creates a world of fear. It even attracts fear-mongering situations and thoughts. By thinking all the time about things, that can go wrong, they will go wrong (the 2nd Law of Murphy). You, yourself are creating this reality and attributing to a society, dominated by fear. Which is exactly, the astmosphere we live in today and is stimulated by our government and media.

Things to remember (and to use; make it into your personal attitude)

Show your attitude of love in your daily life. Trust your feelings and intuition. Help others who are in fear, to regain their powers. Every path is personal and unique; every personal and unique path is part of a map, a calendar and a plan. See you is in 5D.