Reality is an illusion. A holographic “tendency to exist”, which presents itself in a multi-dimensional way. Interacting energy-packets directed by our pineal gland and materializing only when observed.
So far, so good. We talk too much. We are talking (and writing down) for 12.000 years (or more) and creating a reality, where we can talk our way out of. At least, that's what we think. Really, could you explain your actions and intentions, you are so devoted too, when Saint Peter would ask you to? Did your life's work create something extra and new, or was it just copying a mirror, consuming and plain sin? Remember, Judgement Day is a reality; one way or another. What if your grandchildren ask you:“Why did you drive your car every day, why not walk?” In fact they are asking: “Why did you use all the natural resources, if there was no to-morrow? Did any substantial survive? And why do we have to live in a world without trees, birds and a deadly and explosive atmosphere?”
This reality/future is real and will come true. If you want it or not. We are stuck here and there is no way out, if we continue fighting each-other. Although matter hardly exists, one bullit is enough, most of the time and we can not walk through a wall, yet.
If you hurt some-one, it may be illusion to you, but not to the victim. An unexpected and violent death “kills” your soul and radically chances your future. Earth is a, distorted and manipulated, reincarnation-machine (with Earth I mean our solar system (in a broad sence). It's all so a training-ground for spiritual development. Earth (and the solar system) create possibilities of growth and development (12 levels, to start with).
It's also a prison-planet. We are not supposed to get out and discover our own potential. By developing our potential we would break free, destroy the killing status-quo and could reach for the stars (literally and spiritually). This would bring all the ruling powers of our universe tumbling down. If science was much more, than numbers and matter, from universities to “Kindergarten” the curriculum has to change. If spiritual beings don't argue and compete with guns, warfare and secret operations; you don't need armies, navies and secret services. If thought is an act of creation, food and drinking is no problem. Finally, there is a global base for a collective “ascension”.There are no problems, just people! And the people will change, not the instutions. They will slowly and with a lot of resistance, fade away. But if God does not exist in the way IT was always presented. Who needs all the monks, priests, counselors, consultants, pastors, theologians in the traditional way. It could mean a tremendous positive input to realise a human society, in a basic and necessary way.
zondag 13 januari 2013
vrijdag 11 januari 2013
Galway Hooker
HARNS- Friezen mogen het skutsjesilen als een unieke folkloristische sport beschouwen, er meer plaatsen in de wereld waar met historische vrachtschepen wedstrijden worden gezeild. In Ierland gebeurt dit met zogenoemde Galway Hookersin de Galway Bay, vlakbij de Atlantische Oceaan.
Galway(Irish: Gaillimh, pronounced [ˈɡalʲɪvʲ]),or the City of Galway(Irish: Cathair na Gaillimhe), is a city inIreland. It is in theWest Region and theprovince of Connacht.Galway City Council is the local authority for the city. Galway lies on the River Corrib between Lough Corriband Galway Bay and is surrounded by County Galway. It is the fourth most populous city in the state and the sixth most populous on the island of .Ireland.

Het skutsje “STAD HARLINGEN”
Harlingen ligt op een snijpunt van “ley-lijnen”, een electriciteits/energienetwerk, dat in vervlogen dagen een belangrijke rol speelde, onder andere bij de veelvuldige vruchtbaarheids-festivals en maans- en zonsverduisteringen.
Er zijn behalve brandpunten (de Dom van Almenum) ook krachtlijnen van een verschillend niveau. Er zijn “ley-lijnen”, die over de gehele aardbol kunnen worden getraceerd en er zijn (schijnbaar) onbeduidende plaatselijke lijnen.
Vanuit dit perspectief is er nog een ander verband tussen Galway (Ierland) en Harlingen. Wanneer men, op een kaart, deze beide oude havensteden met elkaar verbindt, dan blijkt dat andere oer-oude havensteden ook op deze lijn een plek hebben: Dublin, Liverpool, Manchester en Atlantis (Doggersbank).
vrijdag 4 januari 2013
After the assassination of George Lincoln Roxwell the presence of National-Socialism, Adolf Hitler and the Swastika, did not disappear from the public domain. Several (splinter-)groups exist (mainly in the Mid-West, have formed heavily armed militia and present themselves in marches in major towns; demonstrations that attract even more Anti-Nazi-protestors. The American Constitution gives every person or group the freedom of speech and the right to show it. Hundreds of police-men have to prevent clashes with demonstrators, while Swastika-flags are exposed and Nazi-sympathisers should “Sieg Heil” and “White Power”. It is a story of hate and a anti-government attitude. Nazi-groups are heavenly armed and act aggressive and violent towards illegal immigrants and non-whites. In Arizona independent,well equipped and armed vigilantes” patrol the borders and highways to prevent drug trafficking and illegal immigration. They will shoot to kill if necessary.
(Aryan) groups, want to deport all non-whites to turn America in to the Aryan
Motherland. They don't seem to realize that they must deport themselves to
Europe, because they were immigrants from Europe, that entered the country from
the 17th century, untill now. The local Indians were hunted down
and deported. Land was taken away and the survivors of this continental genocide
lost their culture, their land and their future. Columbus-day is no festival for
indiginous Indians, more the arrival of
horror, looting and destruction on American soil.
Diseases struck and decimated the Indian tribes in
and South America. European diseases like the small-pox and measles were
imported by the conquistadores, with disastrous effects. Large Aztec- and
Inca-cities turned into ghost-towns in a decade. The Spaniards and the Portugese did not care. For the American
tribes were children of Satan. Preferably hanged or burned in groupes
of 13, to commemorate Jesus and the 12 Apostles. Islands in the Caribbean were
completely depopulated.
Spaniards ran into a problem. Indians did not seem fit to do hard labor.
Plantation-owners complained about their slaves. Their workforce melted away.
solution lay 7000 miles to the East. European, including Dutch traders imported
African slaves untill the midst 19th century, when
officially slavery was banned in most European States and the USA.
It is
important to keep in mind, that the foundation of the wealth of the West is
create by means of the slave trade and the exploitation of colonies all around
the world. All in the name of a Christian God and the supremacy of the white
race. "WHITE POWER!"
dinsdag 1 januari 2013
the FLASH CRASH of 2010
Money & Speed: Inside the Black Box is a thriller based on actual events that takes you to the heart of our automated world. Based on interviews with those directly involved and data visualizations up to the millisecond, it reconstructs the flash crash of May 6th 2010: the fastest and deepest U.S. stock market plunge ever. _______________
They call it “the Flash Crash”. On the 6th of May, 2010 automatic stocktrading started to become erratic, untill finally the prices of stock collapsed. A nosedive never seen before. Amazingly enough the prices recovered fast and what remains is a mystery. A mystery that took place in the “Black box” of automated trading.
20 to 30% (probably even more) of stocktrade is done automatically. Banks, investors and traders use computer software, which takes conclusions, buying or selling, in milli-seconds. The computers are programmed with so called “algorythms”. These are very complicated formula, that use incoming data, f.i. fluctuations in stockprices around the world, to feed the algorythm. Programmers seek for “zero-time”, which means immidiate input and processing of the incoming data. The algorythms are evolving, they adapt and change internally and they grow. These algorythmic computers are maybe the closest man has come to artificial intlligence, including a free will.
The nanoseconds it taakes, a computer can place tens of thousands of buying or selling orders. Experts call it “the Black Box”, implying that we don't know anything of what is happening “inside” the algorythm. The “Flash Crash” stays a mystery.
In these cases “quid bono”, who benefits, is perfect tool for analysis? At least those “compurer-algo's” who bought Apple or Proctor & Gamble stock at the right moment. A hughe profit in a microsecond. And smaller “flash-crashes” appear regularly and can only be noted, when you analyse, and of course always afterwards, the transactions on a micro-second level.
Is it a war between the algorythms? Or are programmers creating a “super-algorythm”, one that conquers and controls all computerized trading? Computers do, what they are told and you cannot blame it on the soft-ware. The “Flash Crash” was intentional and it will “flash” again. And only a few people know, what actually is happening and in their arrogance and ignorance, they belief, that it will stay unnoticed and hidden. We have entered a period of ethical cleansing. Everything will be revealed. The word becomes flesh.

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