dinsdag 3 december 2013

HISTORY of the End of the World 26

The obsessive way data are collected, has nothing to do with advertising, merchandising and scientific research. Of course they want to keep you dissatified, drain all the money out of you, fear you with their maniacal crime-prevention or a war on terrorism.

That's just a level in a global game of RISK, played by our Overlords. No, individuals have to be predictable and tracable at all times. That is the basis of further mind-control and manipulation.

There is a lot at stake. A beautiful world; rich in water, DNA and minirals; colorfull and diverse. Billions of people are working their ass of, to keep a few satisfied and to finance giant operations like maintaining a base on Mars.

Beside the globally orcherstrated media-circus data-collecting, storing and analysis makes individual approaches possible. Humans who have potential are detected as soon as possible to be prepared for a future role, that fitted in the plans of our overseers and guardians.

The “Man-inBlack” are agents of a superrational intelligence. They protect the Masterplan, have a reptilian mindframe and a license to kill. We will discuss them next time. In the meantime, I will send you link, with an interpretation of this phenomenon; it is part of a currently broadcasted American series.”


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