2008 – 2013

Is there a life after death is a question, that haunted mankind for millenia and is at the moment as actual as ever. Christianity provides a (too) simple answer. Either we go to heaven or we are destined for hell. Both are eternal and irrevocable. So it is important to live a good life. Do good deeds and you will gain karma, which will be weighed by Saint Peter, who guards the Gate to the Heavenly quarters. A procedure we also find in the “Egyptian Book of the Dead.” This book describes the journey of the soul of the diseased. His challenges and the dangers, he will meet. By studying this path to the stars (where eternity was effectuated) and learning the necessary prayers by heart. Knowledge was a necessary tool to accomplish your goal; to become a god, to become a star.
The “Bardo Thotrol” is the Tibetan counterpart.It is a manuscript about the faze of dying and the fase of death. Bardo means “in between” one life and another. It must help the dead in this faze, to stick to itself and see the (fearful) projections as stages of the own spirit eand the emotional steps it takes. Traditionally the Tibetan “Book of the Dead” is read aloud to the dying, to help him or her achieve enlightenment.
How do we prepare for our own death. Louis Camus, the French existentialist wrote: “When you are old enough to be born, you are young enough to die.” It can happen at any moment, so insight into what happens after dying seems a logical search.
The “Skole Experiment” is a important part of research into this phenomenon. A number of believers started seances in a cellar. The results were shocking and many is recorded on video and audio. After a while all kinds of things started to happen. Light phenomena (orbs), sounds and levitation. The number of participants grew and so did the results. Ghosts appeared (manifested themselves), video-recordings, with colors, images and persons, were recorded, even though the cellar was in the dark. Roles of film contained handwritings of different persons and in different languages, without anyone touching them and about 80 objects materialized out of nothing. After 500 sessions, the Skole experiment stopped. The participant are certain that there is a life after death and that ghosts are a reality. In Italy mr. Baggi contacts spirits of deceased children. He does this by radio! He makes it possible for the parents to talk to the dead child. Here too objects and flowers fall out of the sky. Out of another dimension.When you die, you enter another dimension. You have to be aware of what may happen to you. It is not as easy as you think. It may start with a bright light and a tunnel, but things may change. Many demons and monsters or possible seduction (even out of your former lives) will cross your path. Because you have no material reference-points anymore, you need a guide. That guide is your inner strength and devotion. My advise: start your study about death as soon as possible. It will enrich your life.
Fault Lines: Controlling the web
Fault Lines looks at the fight for control of the web, life in the digital age and the threat to cyber freedom, asking if US authorities are increasingly trying to regulate user freedoms in the name of national and economic security.
Fault Lines looks at the fight for control of the web, life in the digital age and the threat to cyber freedom, asking if US authorities are increasingly trying to regulate user freedoms in the name of national and economic security.
The German Army, and the General Command, had forgotten some things, when they attacked Russia, (the treatment of the Russian prisoners, the lack of winter-clothing for the German soldiers or the Siberian troops, which stopped the Nazis, who were 8 kilometers from the Kremlin.), but other things they had planned far in advance. There is also an occult connection. Many people forget, that Nazism had occult and mythical roots. The superiority of the race has its foundations not in Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy, but in the German believe, that they were the heirs of the Aryan Race, former rulers of Atlantis. Demi-gods, who possessed super-powers, they called “Vril”. Their claim of superiority was supported by "eugenics", the science of the human race. The Nazis believed that the battlefield, was the optimal place for transformation. Dying in this holy war was very good karma, so to say. And die, they did. From the start of the operation (22 June 1941) until Christmas 1941, 500.000 soldiers died or got wounded. (being 1/6 of Hitler's “Heeresgruppen” (totalling 3 million).
Hitler's battle plan was ready around Christmas 1940. The German soldiers were optimistic and felt superior. Especially to the Russian forces. The “Generalstab” thought, that the "Wehrmacht" needed 17 to 22 weeks to bring Stalin to its knees (and did not expect to fight in fierce winter situations). The German tactics of “connecting forces” (Luftwaffe, Panzer, infantery, SS, Navy) had nothing to fear of the Russian,(old-fashioned, tactical backwards and outdated equipment), Red Army.
Why did Hitler choose this date and why was it called “der Fall Barbarossa”. Redbeard (Barbarossa) was the name of a German Emperor during the Middle Ages, when Germany ruled many parts of Eastern Europe. There were many legends about this German superman. One of them told, like the stories about King Arthur, that the emperor would return. He was asleep, with his army, in the mountains. He would return, when Germany needed him most and join the crusade to the East. The attack on Russia had that purpose. Once and for all a hated ideology would be destroyed and a Satanic state, led by the evil Stalin. Hitler c.s. believed, that they fought a historical battle and that they would be joined by a hero and army from the past. An invisible army of the dead.
But why 22st. of June. Hitler combined three options using this date. First it was a Sunday, and the enemy could be taken of guard, which they were. Secondly, on the 22st. of June 1940 there came an end to the war in the West. France capitulated. On the same date, about 230 years ago, Napoleon Bonaparte started his, fatal, Russian campaign.

On the 1st of September 1939 Hitler's troops invaded Poland. A prisoner was dressed up in Polish uniform, shot and presented as a Polish attack. The Polish troops were no match for the “Wehrmacht”. On horse-back they attacked the German “Panzer”. The Luftwaffe bombarded Warschau and after 2 months Poland surrendered. Hitler has instructed that it would be a violent and heroic fight, with no mercy to the opponent or the civilians. This was a war of occupation and extermination.
Many forget, that Soviet Russia held a nonaggression pact with Adolf Hitler. In exchange for wheat and oil, the German factories even sold war-equipment to their future enemy. As gesture of good-will Hitler invited Josef Stalin to invade and occupy the east of Poland. The Red Army quickly invaded the area and decided with the Nazis about their new territory.
Hitler invaded Russia in June 1941 and made the occupation of Poland complete. But the Soviets, who had their own ideas about the occupation and domination of Eastern Europe, used their time well. More than 20.000 army officers, policeman, anti-communists, professors and teachers were rounded up, put in death-camps and executed in the end. This war crime became known as “the massacre of Katyn”. It was a deliberate act to eliminate future opposition.
Strangely enough the mass-graves were discovered by the Germans in 1943. They tried to use these atrocities in their propaganda campaign against the Soviet animals. In fact nobody believed the Nazis and blamed it on the German's themselves. Especially Stalin. He publicly stated that the Soviet Union had nothing to do with the mass-murder in the forests of Katyn. The Allies believed him and “Katyn” became part of the genocide, the holocaust and crimes against humanity the “Reich” had committed.
It took till 1990, that the Soviet Union officially recognized that it was responsible for the murders. It was all organized by the NKVD (Soviet Secret Police). The orders were signed in March by Beria and by Stalin. The orders said explicitly that the 8000 officers of the Polish Army had to be put to death. Still the former Soviet Union recognizes only 1872 victims and refuses to recognize “Katyn” as genocide or a war-crime. In France, you cannot say this. Officially Katyn is part of the holocaust. Denying this is punishable by law.
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