St. Malachy was an Irish mystic and catholic priest (canonized in 1109), whose name probably would have been long forgotton, did not he have a elaborate vision, during a pilgrimage to Rome. God presented him with a list of 111 popes, who would lead the Roman Catholic church till the final “Day of Judgment”.
Each pope is described by a small latin frase, a kind of “motto” for his person and reign.
When we use Malachy's list, who became popular with the invention of the printing-press, our current Pope, Benedictus XVI, is this last Pope! After nr. 111, the Seat of Peter, will, be occupied by “Peter, the Roman”, who will lead his flock through many tribulations. Finally the City on the 7 Hills (Rome) will be destroyed and the last Pope and the believers will be brought for a Terrible Judge. THE END!
According to some scolars Malachy's list is remarkably accurate. Some prophesies are even stunning.
Jean Paul II, who died in 2005, is described by St. Malachy as “solar eclipse” or “work of the sun”. Jean Paul II visited more countries around the world (100+), than any Pope before him, to spread the Word, revive Catholicism and seek a dialogue with all the major world-religions (including the Jews). But our Medieval visionary was extremely accurate this time. Jean Paul II was born during a solar eclipse and he was entombed during one.
When the cardinals gathered to elect his successor, the cardinals were advised to choose an older Pope (Jean Paul II had reigned very long), who would appeal to the young and was an eminent scholar. But the cardinals got one final advice: don't choose any-one, that could be associated with an olive. Why? Because the 111th pope, would rule “from the glory of the olive”, that's how St. Malachy had described him, a thousand years ago. Some wanted to “break” Malachy's prophesy.
When white smoke appeared in the Vatican, it became known, that cardinal Ratzinger was chosen. Prophesy-believers were relieved, untill the next morning, when the official (new) name of the Pope was published: Benedictus XVI.
Saint Benedict was the founder of the “Ordre of Saint Benecdict” and of monastrial life (“the Rules”). The Beneditine Congregation was symbolized through the centuries by: an olive!
For many insiders this seemed proof for the accuracy of St. Malachy's list and so proofed that we are living in “the End of Days”. Peter the Roman, the last Pope, is already among us. Pope Benedict is 85 years old now and his health seems to fail, making the appearance of Peter the Roman in the coming decade, according to prophesy-adepts, plausible.
This will be a time of much tribulation, at the end, the Holy City will be destroyed. A remarkable parallel with the Book of Revelation, a book Malachy knew very well. In Revelation 17 “Mystery Babylon”, also built on 7 mountains, will fall.
We don't have to take this literally. The Vatican will not be nuked or attacked by anti-matter. Maybe the destruction of the Church and his dogma's is a necessary step in the liberation of human thinking and its possibilities. Maybe this is the meaning of St. Malachy's list. Classical religion will be replaced by a more fundamental approach. A road, that will bring us to the stars and beyond.

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