maandag 29 september 2014

The existence of extraterrestrial life and the presence of alien intelligence in the cosmos and even in our solar system, would mean an extreme impact on our worldview and the foundations of science, filosophy and even theology would be immense. When entities from far-off star-systems visit earth, it means that they had traveled from light-years away to bvisit planet Earth. In our conventional scientific paradigms, this is impossible. It violates our opinions on matter, energy, travel-speed of light and ethnocentric beliefs. Those visitors would possess technology far beyond our reach and comprehension. They even will be much more civilized and advanced. Everything seems possible. This line of thought leads us away from the truth. Not that I know the truth, yet.
I strongly believe, that alien intelligence and visitations, as prescribed above, do not happen. I also think, that the evidence produced, all around the world, are no illusions, weather-balloons or swamp-gas. For me, I call them tendencies to exist. Holographic projections, secret war experiments and inter dimensional traffic are the possible explanations. If I would have the intention to create a new world order. I would distract the interested few by phenomena and events, that would channel their energy into wormholes or black-stars. In the meantime I would slowly implement a dictatorial, totalitarian mind frame, in which people out of ignorance and fear, would except total control. I would give them the idea, that otherwise everything would change to the worst.
If alien intelligence exist I think that they are bad researchers, bad teachers, bad explorers and very bad communicators (and bad people?). They search for contact in most compromising circumstances with people, vulnerable to suggestion and open to alternative explanations.
What they say about our earth is obvious. Carl Sagan put forward an important question: How do we explain our behavior to a superior intelligence. This question is an important one. But superior intelligence does not exist in this way. We are on our own and we have to find our way, without the guidance of alien masters. Alien intelligence cannot play a role, because our universe is smaller than you think, holographic and multi-dimensional. You could call it a prison. But who are the prison-guards?

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