zondag 7 september 2014


What would you do, if you are hypnotized? Would you hurt some-one or even kill someone, when commanded to do so?

Would you hurt somebody, if you were not hypnotized? In a laboratory, they do. Under the assumption that they were part of an experiment, that researched the link between learning and punishment. Volunteers used electro-shocks on (invisible) victims. When they gave the wrong answer, the volunteer electrocuted them (so he (!) thought), even to a level, that was indicated as deadly. 50% of the volunteers insisted till the end. They ignored the screaming and moaning of the subjects.

You can understand the turmoil among psychologists and public to this “authoritarian personality”. But if you look closer, other aspects come to mind. All the volunteers were male, white and middle class. Science impressed people and they were eager to comply. The victims were not visible and could only be heard. Their counterparts also begged the volunteers to go on.

It is an accepted fact, that it is easier to push a bottom, then to kill an opponent with a knife. In modern warfare, soldiers (m/f) are “at home” and direct drones above a far away country. Drones, that are armed with rockets, machineguns and bombs. At five o'clock, they go home to their families.

Would some-one use violence and deadly force, when they are not hypnotized? Of course they will. Our whole military force is based on that principle. Young man and women are carefully trained to kill, when they are commanded to do so. Their skills and their obedience are rewarded and society keeps them in high esteem. As the military, so does the police. When confronted with civil unrest, they will use force to restore the peace. Peace meaning that you hit the people, untill they are afraid to move. Police-forces use military tactics and military material. Over the years, the police turned into a anonymous,heavily armed mass of “robocops”. The fact, that they are completely alienated from society, makes them the ultimate tool in the hands of the Elite.

Hypnotism is not the only means of deception and delusion. Rituals have that function, like rituals around our monarchy. Obedience is programmed into our minds from the day we were born. The result: hypnotized human beings, that love to be commanded, exploited and that believe that hierarchy and submission, is in the natural order of things.

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