maandag 22 september 2014

The programming of “informative” channels like “NGC” (National Geographic Channel) or “Discovery Channel” (and of course alle those parallel channels, only offered to the rich and ambitious), are mirroring a planned future. (Urban) SURVIVAL. Repairing old cars is hot, as is upgrading and pimping vintage cars and motorbikes. Urban survival means living from garbage. That's what happening in the “shows”, where left over luggage is sold (resold) or family-antiques are auctioned. Hunting, living in extreme environments, crab- or tuna-fishing; it's how our future is planned. Civilization lost.
Yukon Gold is one of my favourites. Searching for golddust, while destroying and polluting the eco-structure. For an ounce of gold, several tuns of stone and mud is moved, treated with chemicals and enormous amounts of water and left behind. A completely unsustainable way of living. Hard and dangerous work, of which only the rich profit. Like in medieval times.
Always keep in mind, that the message brought subtle shows the intent of the financiers (the governing elite). 5 to 10 parties dominate the electronic global data-flow. Those (old-boys) networks work together and compartimentalize the global or local developments, so people get confused and start debating among eachother.
There is only one truth (for the moment).
But the mindcontrol and manipulation are losing momentum. Humans learn and see. Consciousness is growing.
The Media Molochs are quite desperate, because their media-machine rolls on. So more and more things are getting visible, showing parts of the manipulation and indoctrination.
But the world we live in, is much more complicated than you can imagine.
On the other hand, one thing is very clear.
We are not told, learned or given information or tools, to reach our full potential and break away the chains, that hinder us.
This is SiTU. This is the path of

100 monkeys.

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