woensdag 17 september 2014

SiTU ACADEMY: Module 1
“We have been talking recently about the Japanese fascists, who want the global implementation of a dictatorial and militaristic society. To achieve this end, their leader announced, that they had a weapon operational, which could not be stopped. Their victory would only be a matter of tiime.”
The lecture-hall was completely filled. The sense of alert in the SiTU-Academy had risen and many of the students of the Academy had done their own research. Everything they learned about this sect, the more they were stunned. This was the New World Order in progress. It was time to mobilise all opposing forces. Freedom-fighters so to say.

In the past Jian had dedicated many of his lectures to conspiracy-theories. “We are not talking conspiracy-theorie, but conspiracy-FACTS.” Some thought that he was paranoid, but now his analysis and prophesies proved correct. The planet was in danger. The SiTU-monks had to turn themselves into warriors. The final battle was drawing closer and here was the first group, Nazi-oriented, which thought they could exploit the chaos the planet Earth slowly slid into. “The weapon separates the material body from their spiritual functions and possibilities. This will be a relatively slow process, resulting in zombifying the general population. Along the way they are indoctrinated and programmed for their new role of servitude.

They have come a long way and our “Guardians” have all the holografic technology, you ever dreamed about. Jesus Christ could appear in your backyard.
But let's talk about the weapon. Is it possible? From our Western point of view it is not. We consider ourselves as a black box, with thought and spiritual functions as mere by-products.
In Japan they consider spirituality as a highly considered goal. Recent studies have shown, that meditating yogis produce other braninwaves, then gaming 10-year olds. It is a fact, that prayer helps healing, even on a distance. Groupmeditation brings down the crime-rate and it propably influences the weather.

These kind of interactions, and I told you before, everything is connected, These spiritual aspects may be the essence of our existence.” Jian was quiet for a moment, as if to underline what he had just said. “SONY has been experimentating with manipulating thought-waves for a long time. A executive of NEC said: “The study of the sixth sense and terlepathy will certainly and a cornerstone of future modes of communication.” And of manipulation of course. Since 1987 the Japanese government finances studies into human spiritual abilities. And for a good reason."

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