donderdag 4 september 2014


Barbarossa is still hiding and King Arthur is not heard of. Yet. Maybe we don't live in terrible and threatening times and are things going well. This is the lie they tell us. Billions of people are necessary to let us live in wealth, health and peace. But those last things are under threat. There is an actual economic and financial crisis, our life is threatened by pandemics and violence and terror are just around the corner. Our society is under thread and centralization and crowd-control are the only answers the Elite produces, Are they waiting too?
All over the world religion and traditions speak of gods, who intervene, do well and promise to return, when they leave. Hinduism knows of Krishna, periodically returning to safe the day, many christians believe that the return of Jesus Christ is imminent, Buddhists are expecting a World Teacher, called Maitreya,
who will guide us to a world of love and sharing. In Islam, believers await the coming of the “Iman Mahdi”, who will bring peace and justice all over the world, the traditional, pure, Islamic believe, as proclaimed by Mohammed (pbuh), the prophet and last but not least, the Jews: the are still waiting for their Messiah to come. Jesus was fake, a sorcerer.

So all around the world, people, religions and organisations are waiting and praying for some-one to solve our problems. I think, that is the easy way out.

The Islamic hadifs speak explicitely of this 12th Iman. His name will be Mohammed and his fathers name “Abdullah”. He has his roots in the Korresh-tribe, the tribe of the prophet. He will have a large forehead and a prominent nose. He will come from the East (Chorasam, greater Afghanistan) with an army under a black flag.

On 29 november 1979 shots were fired in Mecca. After prayer armed man took over the microphone. At that moment tens of thousands of Muslims were held hostage in their most sacred place. It's here that the “Ka'aba” is held, Islams most important holy object. The commander told the masses, that this was a special day. In there midst was the “Imam Mahdi”, who would made himself known on this day.

The twelfth Iman stept to the microphone and introduced himself. There was panique among the pilgrims, shots were fired, people died and the gates were closed and guarded by sympathisers of the Iman. In the end, after eight days, the army stormed the place. About fivehundred people lost their lives, including the Iman Mahdji. The 69 survivors were executed the same day.

How did they get all the guns inside. That was quite easy. Diseased believers are also brought inside, as part of a burial ceremony. Security didn't check them. In recent times, you have to show a death-certificate.

The seizure was led by Juhayman al-Otaybi, who belonged to a powerful family of Najd. He declared his brother-in-law Mohammed Abdullah al-Qahtani to be the Mahdi, or redeemer. His followers took that the fact that Al-Qahtani's name and his father's name are identical to Muhammad's name and that of his father, and the saying ("His and his father's names were the same as Muhammad's and his father's, and he had come to Mecca from the north") to justify their belief. Furthermore, the date of the attack, 20 November 1979, was the first day of the year 1400 according to the Islamic calendar, which was stated by another hadith as the day that the Mahdi would reveal himself.[6]_______________________________________________________________________________________
The attack came as a complete surprise. For a while, they authorities didn't know what to do. The occupants demanded that the Royal family had to step down and follow the Mahdi. After all the turmoil it came to know, that the man, who claimed to be the 12th Iman, was named Mohammed, his father's name was Abdullah and he belonged to the Korresh-tribe. He and his followers cane from the East and carried black banners. People, who saw his dead body, told the press, that he even looked, like the hadifs had foretold. But he could not be the real Iman. Why, otherwise he would have won. The divided “umma” is still waiting.

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