donderdag 18 september 2014

SOMEthing to THINK about

The American eschatologist and “endtime-prophet”

William Cooper once stated, that the book of Revelation was in fact the description of a global wargame and battleplan.

He was right.

So is the battle of Armageddon developing and more and more countries (armies) commit themselves to wage war against IS(IS) and the Islamic caliphate, they rule.

The USA, with his allies (including the Netherlands), have sworn to destroy and annihilate these forces of evil. The most advanced war-technology will be employed and the Islamitic Holy State will be bombarded back into time, even beyond the Stone Age.

Revelation is a end-time scenario, in which the battle at Megiddo (in fact the Middle-East and the Levant) and its outcome is described.

But the factual situation is completely opposite to the story in the last book of the Bible.

Revelation names the Antichrist, Satan in the flesh, who tries to religiously cleanse his dominion, by killing the few faithfull, that are left. In this last and final battle, the few believers in Jesus Christ, seem doomed. They await their fate in the city of Jerusalem.

Jesus interferes, not by angelic armies, but by speaking the words of God. The Antichrist (and his philosophy and doctrines) and his followers are defeated, bound and cast into a bottomless pit.

The armies of the Antichrist are gathering and preparing for battle against the last soldiers of the one and only God. So the Bible prophesies. 

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