zaterdag 13 september 2014

Last year I read an interesting experiment about inter-connectedness, which scientists call the “100 monkey syndrom”. Japanese monkeys were fed with sweet potatoes. A delicacy for them. The only problem was the way they obtained the potatoes. Their guardians threw them on the beach, which made the potatoes dirty. Some clever ones washed off the sand, but that was a, slowly growing, minority. Then a miracle happened. Suddenly all the monkey washed their food in the sea. The same happened to all the monkeys on the island, but also their brothers and sisters on the mainland and abroad. A small step for one monkey, but a giant leap for the race. The same happens with humans. Innovations and insights are ignored, fought about and suddenly accepted. The Roman Catholic Church, who burned Giordani Bruno at the stake, kept Galileo Galilei prisoner, is now accepting the existence of aliens as a reality. God walks in mysterious ways. The United Nations created a special dempartment, which will be responsible for the first contact with extra-terrestial visitors.
But these are only parefrenalia and distractions. The real question is the manipulation of this interhuman connectedness. Experiments proof the power of prayer. Patients recovered faster, when they knew that people were praying and meditating for their recovery. Sports attract a lot of visitors and is extremely competitive. It is obvious, that the spectators eminate all forms of vibrations. When properly guided, this is a advantage for the “home-team”. Mass-meetings were favoured by the Elite to manipulate the population. Hitler, or better Goebbels, was a master in using the power of words and images. But there is also the power of vibrations. The military, the terrorists and the police, they all use sounds, waves and vibrations as a form of “crowd-control”. Iraqi citizens are continuous bombarded with bad vibes, to make them docile and depressif.
By the way, you too are deliberatedly bombarded with sounds, smell, rays and energy-levels. Millions of messages go right through you, every hour of the day and some are aimed at you directly. To keep you docile and depressive. Which reminds me of Iraq. Quid Bono, who profits? Well, certainly not the "common Iraqi" or Syrian.

But it works both way. Praying for and  meditating about good, important things; combined with practical compassion and style, will make "the powers of light" stronger in their battle against alien evil. Suddenly goodness will strike, open eyes and shall materialize. For the benefit of all, powered by real people. 

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