zaterdag 6 september 2014

On December 7, 1941 Japan launched an attack on the American air base, Pearl Harbor. From aircraft-carriers of the Imperial Fleet departed torpedo- and bomberplanes, that attacked the Pacific Fleet. The surprise attack caused a lot of damage and several battleships were sunk. The Americans were completely surprised by this sneak attack. A declaration of war reached the government, when the raid was already over.
There has been a lot of speculation about the reasons, behind the Japanese attack. Their main aim were the American aircraftcarriers, but these ships had left the naval base for repair. Admiral Yamamoto knew, beforehand, that this battle was not decisive. He refused to let the planes refuel and return to bomb the oil-reserves near the harbor. This could have thrown back the Americans for two years.
Oil was the main reason for Japans actions. The island empire had few natural resources and the importation of oil and iron ore was boycotted by the USA. To further enlarge the Empire, they needed the human and natural resources of South- East Asia. Here they had to fight the old, colonial powers: England, France and the Netherlands. Pearl Harbor was meant to discourage the Americans. The opposite was true. In an outburst of enthusiasm America went to war and their industrial might was focused on the production of ships, airplanes, tanks and ammunition. Japan, and Germany, who declared war on the United States shortly after Pearl Harbor, had underestimated the determination, selfsacrifice and productivity of America.
Lesser known, than the attack on Pearl Harbor, is the attack on Los Angeles, which took place on the night of 24/25 February 1942. Thousands of people observed objects in the sky. Anti-aircraft guns fired numerous rounds, while searchlights lit the night sky. The battle lasted several hours. Three people died of heart-attacks and there was considerable damage (by friendly fire).
It was a complete mystery, where the guns, were firing at.
The press supposedly blamed the Japanese, launched another surprise attack. But no bombs were dropped and no intruders were shot down. They seemed to have disappeared in thin air. The official explanation became that the outburst was caused by “war hysteria” and that there was no cause for alarm. Everything was safe.
In recent years the attack on Los Angeles is claimed by ufologists. The objects in the sky were extraterrestrial and not the result of psychological factors and mass-hysteria. If the latter explanation is correct, our visitors from space got indeed a warm welcome.

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