maandag 22 september 2014

He called himself an etno-antropologist, specialized in studying small etnic groups, who had managed to survive and preserve their traditional culture-patterns.

He had travelled the world and became quite famous with his articles, documentaries and t.v.-appearences. This expedition had been a success. His guide Moba had lead him to a mountainrange in northern Mali, where he had witnessed impressing ceremonies, where stelted Gods prophesied the future in a crazy dance.

As in many African tribes masks played an important role in the three-day festival. There were two groups of masks. The “tolerant and empathic” ones and masks representing darkness, horror and evil. The struggle between the two opposing forces would be decided, which group would win and dominate the future cycles.

It was tradition that the good Gods won. In the final confrontation the dark spirits were bound and chained to the masks. You could feel the burning evil, when the dark side, was carried off into the darkness and the triumphant masks danced till first light.

Moba”, he cried out loud, “Moba!” His guide stuck his face out of the hut. “Moba, I have one last question about the closing ceremony. What happens to the evil masks, are they burned?” Moba nodded, “I will ask the chief. He is inside.”

A minute later Moba reappeared, a big smile on his face.

The chief says, that they are being sold to tourists!”

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