maandag 8 september 2014


His arrival will be announced in a period of warfare, uprising and natural disdasters. He will bring world peace and harmony and he will destroy the kafir, the unbelievers and the people of the Book. His coming will mark the beginning of thousand years living according to the rules and under protection of the one true God. Before this earth will be ruled for 7 years by a global dictator. His reeign will end in battle on the fields of the Middle-East.

You think, that I am talking about Jesus? No, I am not, though Jesus is part of the story. This description fits the return of a “Muslim Messiah”, called the Imam Mahdi, the 12th Imam, who was hidden by God and prepared for his return. His headquarters will be in Jerusalem, where he rules over the new “Caliphate”, a period of pure Islamic belief and practice (which ended in the 10th century, when the 12th Imam disappeared). Millions of Muslims believe that his return is immanent and are preparing themselves for the march to Jerusalem. All willing to sacrifice their lives and become a martyr in the final battle. Islam will obtain world domination and a world wide "sharia" (Islamic law), will be introduced. This “religious ideology” is an immense weapon and but poorly understood by us, Westerners. Iran is totally committed to his return. Achmadinejad, Iran's prime minister, will not hesitate to hasten the prophecy, by creating chaos in the Middle-East and the Arabic world. Will he hesitate to use an atomic bomb. Iran has the technology, the commitment and the rockets. To create as much chaos as possible, is also a goal of the Al-Qaida members, who also are committed to the 12th “Caliphate”. They are well paid, highly motivated and payed well (so are the families, they left behind during a suicide mission). They are active in the “Arab spring”-uprisings and revolutions in the Muslim world. The Bible speaks of a disastrous and catastrophic period ending in the battle of Armageddon and so does Islamic tradition. Syria and Lebanon are still burning and Israel feels the pressure of these “soldiers of Allah”. In Revelation, In 2012 the fields of Megiddo, according to Napoleon: “the best battlefield” of the world, are encircled by armys, eager to interfere. Different alliances and the role of Russia, make this part of the world a potential warzone. Israel has announced that it will defend itself, while the Muslim Brotherhood announces, that the start of the final jihad is near and millions of soldiers will attack the Holy City.

4 horsemen are announced in Revelation. They will more than decimate the world population, by means of ware fare, pestilence and starvation. One of the horsemen rides a white horse. So does the Imam Mahdi.

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