donderdag 11 september 2014


You have to realise that this reality is hell. The world we live in is hell. Even if there is a Inner-earth, it has to be admitted: this world is as low as you can get. You were dumped here. Not out of your own choise, but as punishment. Punishment for sins, crimes and spiritual wickedness in former lives. You have only one chance, that is to become immortal and conquer death. It is your last chance to get back to the real world. But the curse of your penalty is that you forgot this. So you think that you are the centre of the universe and that you have the God-potential.

This is true.

But you have forgotten, what that means. The Gods and Goddesses, the fallen angels you encounter in this world are here for the same reason as you. Out of punismment. They are either crazy, violent and narcistic or all and more. This incrowd plays with you like you were a toy and you even seem to enjoy it. They are totally immoral and beyond saving. They know that they are stuck here forever and that makes them desperate, violent and unpredictable. But you accept it and even worship it.

Ignorance is the cause of all suffering, the Buddha said and he was right. But he neglected the fact that ignorance is a tool in the hands of the Elite, to maintain their power over us. And we are massaged in believing, that this is the best world to live in.

Which of cause it is not. This world is coming to an end and tremendous changes are coming. Why? Because prisonguards, our alien guardians, get tired of all the mess and all the noise, we people make and start cleaning the place. A kind of ethnic and ecological cleansing. The first signs of it are to be seen.

What's the essence of hell? It the abstenence of time. We live in an endless world, while thinking to be mortal. We are even programmed to believe, that this is the way things go. Which it is not. After dying you might wake up in cage, which also contains three hungry Comodo-dragons.

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