During the Middle Ages many saw the year 1000 as very dramatic. Even the church believed, that the return of Jesus Christ, as announced in the last book of the Bible, called Revelation, was on the doorstep. Thousands of “figilantes” travelled the roads, continously flogging themselves, to repend their sins. They would travel around in even bigger numbers, during “the Black Death”, the plague epidemic, during the Dark Ages.
In 19th century USA, the “Millerites”, so called after their spiritual leader, sold all their worldly possessions and payed all their debts, because the End of the World would come. They did so twice. Others, like the Jehova Witnesses, kept the idea alive. They stopped calling dates, but still visit suburbs to announce the coming end and pray for rependence.
Doomsday prophets see it as evidence, that the ending of our world, can be found in several religions, cultures (Hopi a.o.) and in the writings of classical prophets. It seems, that Nostradamus, Mother Shipton and the wizzard Merlin, all describe and predict an “Apocalypse”. The Chinese I'Tsjing, interpretated by Terrence McKenna, points at a coming cataclysm, so do computer-programs like “Webbod”. It is said the program even predicted 9/11 and Katrina!).
Even more influential are the End Time references in the Bible and the Qu'ran. The current events are interpreted to be signs, announced in the Bible. The proclamation of the state of Israel, is often mentioned as one of them. Qu'ran- and Bible-scolars believe, that most signs are forfilled and that we live in times of tribulation, that will end in a decissive battle at “Armageddon” in the Near-East. Jesus' return, will mean the defeat of the Antichrist. Christians halt here, the Islam even goes as step further. The (muslim) Imam Mahdi, will, with the help of Jesus, who turns out to be a Muslim, conquers the world (Caliphate) and destroys all kafir (non-believers).
We live in a dramatic historical period and we should be happy to live now. No, I don't have a dead-wish, even when you add other messages of doom to it. The Hindu expect the End of the Kali-yuga, the darkest time, and the dance of Kalki. The Buddhist are expecting the coming of the Maitreya, the world teacher, which will mean a new world order. And finally, 2012, the Mayan calendar, who even sets a date and time for “The Event”.
Don't make the mistake, many people do, that this is all evidence for the coming end. It is no evidence at all. The Dresden-codex, one of 3 remaining Mayan documents, is damaged and not complete. It was saved by a Russian soldier out of the burning ruins of Berlin. The Soviet soldier later translated the codex. Nice story, but it reminds me too much of 9/11. Are the stories, myths, folklore nonsence? No, not at all. We, white people, have completely lost contact with reality, where stories of dragons have a meaning. And yes, our world is changing in many ways, also in the way the Mayan calendar predicts, but we desperately cling to the convention, 2-dimensional matrix and the delusions it contains.

You remember Frank Herbert's novel “Dune”. You can learn a lot from it. Think about the “Missionara Protectiva”. These nuns planted the belief systems on Dune (and every other planet), that would benefit Paul Aitreides. They planted the idea of the “Returning King or God”. The same is happening with the belief in “The End” Shortly after Jesus' dead, about 40 “Apocalypses” circulated in the Christian community, only one remains. All around the world this mind programming happened and man started to believe, that they could impossibly survive such a disaster. All that remained was prayer. And we watched all the disaster movies, that infected our belief. Our belief in our selves, I mean. Many things are changing and everything will be revealed. You will learn, that the End of Time is a construct, used by “alien” (alien to human) powers to keep mankind enslaved. We live on a prison-planet! We are at war!
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